Ashy Bines Clean Eating Diet Plan Review

Hi Guys,

This is just a repost of my review from 27 April 2012.  A lot has changed since then, so would recommend you check out this facebook page for a different take on the diet plan from the usual diatribe emanating from Ashy Bine’s website and fb page.

Have to say, I wouldn’t bother buying her diet plan now, knowing what I know and although I would recommend clean eating, I wouldn’t suggest going through her business.  I know she has a lot of supporters and some would say a lot of ‘haters’, but there are just so many people who are unhappy and being called horrible things for voicing their opinion or questioning the legitimacy of her plan.  It’s really not a good atmosphere for weight loss or anything positive.

Anyways that’s my 2 cents.  ALSO, my original review was taken down as there was a complaint made about ‘distribution of copyright material without the copyright holder’s permission’.  So without further ado, here’s the original review again!


Liz xx


For those of you who aren’t in the know, there’s a new clean eating diet going around and it is spreading like wildfire!

What does any of that mean?  Well, it depends on how you look at it.  Some would say it’s just another fad diet – cut the carbs and lose the weight!  Others would say it teaches you a whole new healthy lifestyle.

I’m somewhere in the middle of all that.  I’m not denying the effectiveness of this diet (if you follow it to the letter), it’s just that it’s too extreme, too intense for me to sustain it for the rest of my life.  Mind you, the whole premise of this diet is that you’re following the diet of a bikini model and have you seen their bodies?? I’m betting they don’t make late night trips to Maccas or sneak in that extra cupcake.  No, sir!

If you’re interested in checking it out –

It costs $69 to buy her clean eating plan – and yeah, I bought it! I finally got curious enough….you see, there are all these women (approx 30,000 +) on this site and they’re all gushing about how amazing this plan is and they all have amazing before and after pics and THIS IS JUST AFTER 3 WEEKS! OMG! etc etc

You think, wow, maybe they’re on to something here.  And maybe they are, but personally, I don’t want to sacrifice too much of my happy food (cakes, burgers etc) because when I do, I binge!  Which might say more about me than the plan (i.e. lack of self control).

Also, things I thought were pretty bloody good are apparently not great according to this plan – like my chicken pesto salad from sumo salad – it has grilled chicken, avocado, lettuce ….and um, fetta cheese, dressing….sigh, maybe not super healthy, but healthy enough for me!  Big no no according to Ashy Bines diet.

The good thing about this diet is the forum, where like minded women all support each other.  An attractive prospect to be sure.  However, there is a little bit of defensiveness if anyone goes against the pack – or says something along the lines of I’ve been doing this for x weeks and nothing has changed – Ashy replies with “you’ve been damaging your body for years?? It’s going to take some time??”.  I guess I just don’t feel it’s as supportive as it could be.

Anyways, there’s a surprising lack of internet review on this diet, so I’m hoping this helps in some small way.  If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask :)


Liz xx

Ashy Bines Clean Eating Diet Plan Reviews

Since my post on the Ashy Bines generated a lot of interest, I thought I might post up some other sites that have reviewed/commented on the plan.  It might give you a better idea of what the plan is about and whether or not you want to get it.

With the weightwatchers one, you’ll have to scroll down to the bottom and you’ll find the post on the plan.  I found this one the most helpful because it gives you a bit of a summary of what the plan is about.  Plus, it gives you a comparison to the WeightWatchers program, so that’s always handy.

If you’ve tried it or know anything about it, please share your experience! We’d all love to hear more 🙂


Liz xx